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Actualités du lycée

Time capsule

Time capsule

What will the world be like 25 years from today ? The class of TS1 is burying a time capsule in the Lycée Régional de la Montagne on June 4th, 2015. Some of them will come back to Valdeblore in May of 2040 to open the capsule and remember the good old days, when they...

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Anglais – Biopic posters

Anglais – Biopic posters

The TG2 class of 2021 created a movie poster for a biopic.  Their job was to respect certain criteria : an actor or a look-alike had to be portraying their historical figure, living or dead, they had to create a title and a catchphrase and they had to add details to...

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Anglais – Bandes dessinées Sniper

Anglais – Bandes dessinées Sniper

The TG1 class of 2021 worked on illustrating the short story entitled "The Sniper" by Irish writer Liam O'Flaherty.  Their job was to create a strip of eight frames to illustrate any part of the story they chose.  Here are some examples of their work.

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